Numatic SMX1415 AR Interactive Model

Discover the Future of Showrooms. Please Read The AR instruction PDF for full details . For use on mobile devices with a camera  How To Use Numatic AR Instructions Numatic SMX1415 AR Interactive Model Download Sample AR Label        

Catalogue Updates

Updated catalogues available for download. And also the new Happy Cleaning catalogue featuring the Henry extended range!

Book a Henry HGB3045 Scrubber Dryer demonstration today

We are very happy to announce we are now offering demonstrations of the Henry HGB3045 scrubber dryer to our UK customers. If you would be interested in booking your demonstration or would like some more information on the HGB3045 simply visit the page here.

Henry HGB3045 Product Video

You know his smile, you’ll love his simplicity, reliability and of course clean, dry floors day in day out. The Henry HGB scrubber dryer brings Numatic FloorCare innovation to the new extended Henry range. No matter the cleaning task you’ll always have a Henry to hand. Watch the product video here. If you’re based in […]

Introducing the WVB Battery Machine

24V Freedom for 101 reasons… and no two of these are the same! The whole cordless concept of this battery powered machine is to provide convenience where accessibility to a normal mains supply is simply not possible, or not acceptable for reasons of safety or logistics.

HVB160 Henry Cordless Product Video

Meet Henry Cordless, he’s just like the Henry we all know and love with the added convenience of cordless cleaning, take your favourite machine anywhere, without restraint. Watch the product video here.